Foothills Art Association
A creative community for local artists.
Our member-based association of creative artists are committed to serving our local communities.
Benefits of Membership
- Join a vibrant and creative art community.
- Exhibit and market your artistic creations in a delightful gallery in La Mesa in eight nonfee shows per year.
- Attend monthly meetings of member artists for presentations and demonstrations by seasoned artists.
- Participate in weekly special interest groups (watercolor, drawing, acrylic and oil, and life drawing) where artists convene for a four hour session of artistic creation and interaction in a welcoming and encouraging setting.
- Participate in juried and judged exhibitions with awards and cash prizes.
- Submit your work for consideration to be the Featured Artist of the month and host an artist’s reception.
- Advocate for the art education of our youth and support artistic vibrancy in our community.
- Enjoy our colorful and informative monthly newsletter, which showcases the artistic accomplishments of our members, important announcements and upcoming events.
- Volunteer your time and talents to nurture the growth and success of the gallery.
Location and Hours
Street address:
4910 Memorial Drive
La Mesa, CA 91942
Mailing address:
PO Box 794
La Mesa, CA 91944
Meetings and Demos:
First Thursday of each month

We have four levels of membership with dues paid annually. Click here to join.
Enhanced Membership $55
(includes hanging/selling + website gallery)
Active Member $45
(includes hanging/selling privileges)
Associate Member $35
(excludes hanging/selling privileges)
Junior Member $25
(under 18-years old)
Gallery exhibits
The gallery hosts monthly shows which change the first Thursday of each month. With the exceptions of the Small Image, Octogenarian and Wildlife shows, each month has an optional theme. Shows in April, June, and November are juried and have cash prizes.
Artists are required to gallery sit one 2 ½ hour session during the month their artwork is displayed in the gallery. Click here to sign up for gallery sitting. Guidelines for gallery sitting may be found here.
A 20% donation will be paid to the gallery for all gallery and website sales