Gallery Sitters Information
Thank you for volunteering to “sit the gallery”. Your willingness to volunteer enables us to meet the obligation of our lease with the City of La Mesa to keep the gallery staffed and open. (If you have not yet been a gallery sitter, but are willing, you can contact Sharon Meng for orientation: (619) 347-6892 or [email protected].
When you arrive:
Unlock the front door.
Turn the sign from “closed” to “open”. Put the free-standing gallery sign outside.
Greet visitors and ask them to sign the guest book.
Turn on gallery spot lights while visitors are viewing the exhibit and turn off lights when visitors complete their viewing. (Use the gallery spot lights conservatively– they are expensive to use.)
Place gallery signs outside in front and behind the building where they can be seen.
Check bathroom supplies and restock, if necessary.
Offer visitors a newsletter and/or membership form.
Answer the gallery phone. This phone has a Limited calling plan for FAA business only.
Any money taken in should be placed in an envelope and put into the Sitter’s Binder.
Phone the next-scheduled gallery sitter to remind them of their commitment.
If you have questions, contact a board member (see roster).
When you leave:
Turn the sign from “open” to “closed”.
Bring in the outdoor free-standing signs .
Empty the trash, if necessary.
Turn off all lights.
Do a final walk-around to make sure everything is secure.
Lock all doors, including the kitchen door as you leave, and return key to the lockbox.
If you have questions about procedures while sitting the gallery or if you find you are unable to fulfill a commitment you have made to sit the gallery, please try to find a replacement. If you cannot find a replacement, contact Sharon Meng (619)347-6892 or [email protected]
Please know that the time and energy you give in volunteering with the Foothills Art Association is greatly appreciated. Thank you!