Foothills By Laws - 9-16-2018

(Revised September 6, 2018)

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Foothills Art Association, La Mesa, Inc.
Section 1. The object shall be the advancement of the Fine Arts in the community and the individual benefit through association.
Section 1. Persons interested in the object of the Association shall be accepted as members. Open to all persons 18 and over.
A. ENHANCED MEMBERSHIP: Entitles member to all the benefits  of the “active membership” plus our website gallery display of up to 14 images of your artwork and your contact information for the membership year.
B. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: Entitles member to display in the gallery monthly exhibits and to participate in rotating and featured artist exhibits and art marts, if juried and passed to do so.
C. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Entitles member to attend meetings and demonstration, but not to display in any Foothills exhibits.
D. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP: Membership which may be conferred on persons rendering service to the community for art advancement or achievement and/or service to the Association. Recommendation for Honorary Membership shall be considered by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership.
E. LIFE MEMBERSHIP: Life Memberships are offered during any given year for an amount equal to ten times the amount of the annual dues.
F. JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP: Open to young artists ages 8-17.

Section 1. The officers shall be a President; First, Second, and Third Vice-Presidents; Secretaries; Treasurer; Historian; and two Directors. These, Department Chairmen, and the Past President of the preceding year, shall constitute the Executive Board. Full members are eligible and may serve on the Executive Board.
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the executive board; shall appoint chairmen and committees subject to the approval of the executive board; shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee and shall represent the organization in all community affairs concerning this association, either in person or by appointed proxy.
Section 2. The First Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence and shall be program chairman.
Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall assist in the activities of the President and shall be exhibits chairman.
Section 4. The Third Vice-President shall assist the executive board and be publicity chairman.
Section 5. The Secretaries shall keep minutes of all meetings of the association and the executive board, conduct the correspondence, and keep a file of all records and correspondence. Such a file shall be allowed to accumulate no more than three years deep. The recording secretary shall keep a separate file containing all bylaw changes, dated, which shall be kept chronologically from the date forward for easy reference.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall have charge of all money paid into the organization, keep an accurate account of such money, give a report at meetings of the Association, shall pay all bills as authorized by the membership of the executive board and shall submit books for inspection annually or upon demand.
Section 7. The Historian shall keep a history of the club and file historical papers or pertinent documents beyond the three-year limits of the Secretary’s file.
Section 8. The Directors shall assist the President and executive board and serve in an advisory capacity.
Section 9. The duties of the committee chairmen shall be left to the discretion of the President and/or the executive board.

Section 1. The annual election of officers shall be at the regular meeting in May.
Section 2. The officers and directors shall be elected by ballot when more than one candidate is presented for the same office; otherwise, the election may be by voice of the majority present.
Section 3. All officers shall be elected annually.  Officers shall be eligible for re-election for multiple years of service.  However, if an unanticipated need should arise, any such elected Officer may resign or be removed from office, with or without cause, by the vote of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting during which such need has been raised for member consideration.
Section 4. The nominating committee shall consist of five (5) members: Two (2) to be elected by the executive board prior to the March general meeting; three (3) to be elected by the general membership at the March meeting. The committee shall report at the board meeting in March and in writing at the regular meeting in May, after which additional nominations may be made from the floor provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained. Election will follow.
Section 5. A majority of the votes shall constitute an election.
Foothills Art Association Bylaws (page 3 of 4)
Section 6. Installation of officers shall take place at the annual meeting in June.
Section 7. A vacancy in any elected office shall be filled by appointment from the President and ratified by the executive board.
Section 1. The regular meetings of the association shall be held once each month, beginning in September and ending in June.
Section 2. One-third of the members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the organization. One- half of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.
Section 3. The Annual Meeting shall be held at the regular business meeting in June.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall meet once a month from September through June. Special meeting may be called by the president.

Section 1. Dues and fees shall be payable at the June meeting and will be delinquent after August 1st. The membership categories and the annual dues shall be as follows:
A. Enhanced $45.00
B. Active $35.00
C. Associate $25.00
D. Honorary (As defined in Article III, Section 1-D) – No dues.
E. Life (See Article III, Section 1-E) Suspended for new Life Members
F. Junior $20.00

Section 2. New members joining after April 1st shall have their dues credited for the year ahead (ie. until a year from the following June, but they shall be considered members immediately.
Section 1. The nominating committee shall be empowered to recommend the appointive department chairman for approval of the incoming president and executive board. The departments shall be:
Community Service & Education – to supervise such activities as those for Christmas, other welfare projects, and to respond to requests for the benefit of the community in art related matters.
Education – to supervise educational activities such as art classes, art appreciation study groups and workshops, and to carry on the scholarship program.
Exhibits – to supervise all gallery exhibits, rotating shows, art marts, and any other special exhibits. The department members are the General Chairman, Gallery Chairman, Art Mart Chairman, and the Rotating Chairman.
Hospitality – to supervise such activities as gallery hosts/hostesses, refreshments, gallery teas, etc.
Membership – to collect all dues, keep accurate records, and give monies to the treasurer.
Parliamentarian – This position is appointed at the pleasure of the president and has no vote on deliberations. The parliamentarian shall employ Roberts Rules of Order.
Program – The 1st Vice President, as chairman, is to see that suitable programs are procured for the monthly meetings.
Publications – to supervise all publications of the association, including the Footnotes and the Yearbook.
Publicity – The 3rd Vice President, as chairman, is to supervise all publicity via newspapers, radio, and television.
Selection – to jury and select one-man shows and rotating exhibits. The committee is to be comprised of four members each year plus the chairman of the prior-year’s committee is to serve as the fifth member.
Ways & Means – to raise funds through projects.
Section 2. Special committees may be appointed by any officer or department chairman, with the approval of the executive board, to carry out the various functions within their area of responsibility.
Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a vote of the majority of the members present, providing notice of such changes shall have been presented in writing and read at the previous regular meeting.


Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be our parliamentary authority.
Section 2. Rules, regulations and fees for exhibitions shall be left to the discretion of the officiating committee on exhibits.

Section 1. The fiscal year shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.
Section 2. All outgoing officers and department and committee chairpersons shall turn over all materials, files, and procedure books to incoming successors by the board meeting in June to assure a smooth transition in operation.

(Revised and adopted by the membership on 9-6-18)