
Welcome to membership services! We are happy to announce our new simplified process for new membership registration as well as current membership renewals online.

Membership Service Center

Join or Renew Your Membership (Fiscal Year July 2023 - June 2024)

Whether you are applying for a new membership or renewing your current membership we have a solution for you. Simply select your appropriate option below to get started…

By completing this application I hereby release all responsibility (for the loss or damage by fire, theft, or other hazards) all persons who may be connected with the exhibiting and handling of works of art submitted by me to the Foothills Art Association. By joining our all-volunteer non-profit organization, I recognize that it is my responsibility as a member to support the group by volunteering to sit the Porter Hall Gallery for one shift during the month that my artworks are exhibited.  If this is not feasible then other volunteering support can be arranged.